Who works at the Crisis Intervention Team?

The crisis intervention team consists of professionals from Jeugdbescherming Brabant, Veilig Thuis, GGZ Breburg, Amarant Groep and Sterk Huis. Together they have the knowledge to properly assess the situation. The goal is to provide peace and safety as soon as possible, and if necessary, shelter or other support is considered. The Crisis Intervention Team operates in the Heart of Brabant region and is available 24/7.

Who is the crisis intervention team for?

All residents and professionals from the Hart van Brabant region who are dealing with a crisis situation or with persons with worrisome behavior. The phone number is 0800 – 8013.

A look behind the scenes

Are you curious about what a day at the crisis intervention team looks like? We’ll give you a behind-the-scenes look here. 

A crisis day

Police contact CIT. It’s about an 11-year-old boy. He has been living in foster care for 10 years. For years there was minimal contact between

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Every opinion counts.

Mandatory mental health treatment is not common. Nevertheless, this is sometimes necessary, such as when a person may be a danger to himself or others

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A look behind the scenes

The assistant district attorney notifies the Crisis Intervention Team of a possible weigh-in regarding a restraining order. A lady allegedly stabbed her partner with a

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Nasty situation

Police raided a home on suspicion of drug possession and drug trafficking. During the raid, police find a nasty situation. The home, which also houses

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