A mother called the police. They are on their way, but not yet on site. Things get out of hand between a mother and daughter (age 10). Daughter is angry and does not calm down. The mother now calls Sietske from the CIT, as this has been advised to her by the social services involved. She explains that things went wrong that night at the table with her daughter. The daughter had to eat her plate empty or she wouldn’t get dessert. To this she disagreed, becoming restless.
She left the table and paced restlessly. She then allegedly ran through the house and threw things. At this, the mother’s boyfriend, grabbed the daughter. He would have been holding the daughter for 15 minutes now without her calming down. At the moment the CIT is talking to the mother, the police ring the doorbell. They agree to let the police in first and then reconnect with CIT.
Upon arrival, the police call Sietske from CIT. The home situation is untenable, indicates police. There are now two colleagues restraining the girl. Police ask that the Sietske also come to the scene to work together on how to ensure peace and safety in the home. At the scene, he found two officers with the girl. They no longer held her. The girl is calm and from the CIT, Sietske indicates to her that he wants to help her. After speaking briefly with the girl, Sietske engages in a conversation with the mother and her boyfriend to get clear on what happened. After that, they talk to the girl. She indicates she did not like being grabbed. She would like to make arrangements so that things don’t go wrong at home again. Sietkse then instructs the girl to clean up her room so he can have a conversation with the mother and her boyfriend. During the conversation, it immediately becomes clear that it is not good for the girl to place her in a crisis placement now. Everyone agrees. They make arrangements for the weekend. This is to prevent further problems. Time-out arrangements are made for mother and daughter so that when agitation increases, one of the parties can take a time-out.
Arrangements are made with the mother, her boyfriend and the daughter that CIT will keep in touch with them this weekend. This is to keep an eye on each other to see how this weekend goes. If the mother and her boyfriend have any questions this weekend or if tensions are acutely rising in the home, they can contact CIT. The CIT will make a transfer to ongoing assistance. After this, the CIT leaves the home. At that point, the daughter is quiet and goes to sleep.